Friday, January 9, 2009

Salesmen tricks and techniques

By Frank Medina
There are many sales techniques and some salesmen use them perfectly.
First of all some salesmen are naturally gifted. That means some physical attributes:
Beauty: Some companies don't mind spending lots of money hiring beautiful women or handsome guys to sell their products.
Isn’t it very hard to say “no” to a cute smile? Some of these people will use their attributes to flirt and make you buy something.
They're like shiny and attractive bait and many people actually are caught by this. (Sex Sells)
Eyes: Cute eyes possibly, but in reality we are talking about big, expressive eyes. Eyes are mighty sources that salesmen use in their favor.
The eyes express emotions. Wide open eyes catch the attention of everyone and reflect something worthy of attention,
Why do The Simpson's have huge eyes? Mister Bean’s eyes are also a good example.
Eyes (or eye contact) can literally hypnotize you
Voice: A strong and clear voice can lead you to buy. As a soldier obeys his commander, the tone of the voice can transport you to "Never land".
It’s like a professional singer who is capable to take you to the point that you forget everything (Nirvana)
They use the modulation of their voice to take you whatever they want (to sign a contract)
Gestures: Facial expressions and hands are capable of reflecting deep emotions, like a good actor who can use these to make you laugh or cry.
Can you imagine Hitler's speeches without using these tools? could he have convinced his soldiers to do all the things they did?
Ears: Big ears let the salesman know what exactly you want, they listen carefully and really will use “everything you say against you “.
Thus, if you mess with a guy with all these qualities, watch out!
Fortunately such a man doesn’t exist, but if you have to deal with somebody like that, remember that
All these techniques were made up to convince you to buy, and all of them have to do with the above points
because 80% of the purchases are based on emotions and the other 20% rational.
Some techniques (or tricks) have to do with the above, and are:
To approach he grabs your shoulder and speaks in low voice looking into your eyes: This technique makes you focus 100% of your attention on what is he telling you.
A low voice is used to make you believe that is a kind of secret and he doesn't want to tell to anybody else, when he gently grabs your arm he is taking control of you, in other words he is the leader and you are the subject (e.g: I remember some salesmen celebrating after they sold, signed a contract etc. They celebrate like an ancient gladiator after killing his adversary, feeling proud and almighty. They say to their co-workers, “Did you see that? Did you see how I convinced this idiot?!”)
So be careful with the bad guys but also be careful with the good ones, the thing is to always be careful and never trust too much, if you don’t, you will regret it.
Business breakfast, lunch, dinner: The first risk to avoid allowing the other person to pay the bill as much as possible, this is the way many people are pushed to sign a contract.
Why? Because if you let them pay, you are smoothly pushed to let others take the lead, and also if somebody has been very nice, it is going to be very difficult to say no.

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